Uncategorized . 01 Feb 2014 . Jane

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The wild, rugged beauty of its dramatic cliffs and rocks, the tranquil aqua waters of the many protected bays, the rising mist in the morning all contribute to outstanding visual splendour. River Ethopie is every photographer’s dream!
River Ethiope, reputed to be the deepest inland waterway in Africa, has its source at the foot of a giant silk-cotton tree at Umuaja in Ukwuani Local Government Area. It then flows through seven Local Government Areas in the State. By the time it reaches Sapele, it has become deep enough to provide a harbour for ocean-going vessels. Ethopie River is shared by four local government councils namely Ukwuani, Ethiope East, Okpe and Sapele with an estimated population of 1.7 million people. It is one hundred and seventy-six kilometres long.
What attracts tourists to the river is the uniqueness of its source and of course the mystery the river is said to possess. The source is traced to the foot of a tree in Umuaja village. There one sees tiny sprouts of clear water running out from the ground. The villagers consider the area a sacred forest and the tree from which the water sprouts out is also considered sacred. There are yards of white and red clothes used to rap round the tree. One could also see different sacrificial objects brought by suppliants.
The River Ethiope is a river of outstanding beauty. It is home to a great biodiversity of plants, fishes and animals. The river provides ecosystem services such as flood control, climate change regulation, recreation, spiritual homage, water supply, food, research and education, medicine, building materials etc to communities which its passes through.
Sport fishing canoeing, speed boating, and swimming are all possible from this scenic river. That’s not all, here can enjoy tasty local dishes and, of course, varied seafood in this tourist spot. Access to the site is from Warri through Abraka and from Asaba through Agbor, Umutu to Umuaja.

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